Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It was the last day of winter today. i guess most people like the spring. It's got the whole new life/new beginnings /new sun thing going on for it. It's the leaving behind of autumn and winter - all the clouds and rain and cold, and coming into summer - warmth and sunshine. i know i'm not alone when i say i prefer the rains of winter. To me, the sun feels more like a lie. Fresh air, warm air, whatever. People run from the rain. Cowering under umbrellas like the rain will consume them or something. i think it should be the other way around. In the winter people should let go of their grip on their umbrellas. Feel the rain touch on our cold cheeks and breathe in the petrichor. Look, here is rain, here is life, here is a piece of sky, here is the cycle of water and spirit. This rain will make the grass grow this rain will make puddles which we can splash around in and get our socks all wet and cold but it won't matter because that's what heaters were made for. Let us dance around beneath the clouds and get our hair and clothes all drenched. When it rains the skies are crying and do we really believe that running from its tears like it's some sort of disease will make the sky feel better? No. We should be trying to make the sky feel better. In the summer we should put our umbrellas up on the way to the ice cream shop. Sunburn causes melanoma and skin cancer and there is absolutely nothing wrong with having pale skin. i will admit, however, that it would be difficult to keep an umbrella over your head whilst swimming in oceans and boating and bisuiting and jet skiing. That will be an exception to the umbrellas in summer rule. Okay? Don't try and swim with an umbrella over your head!! If you try and biscuit at the same time as holding an umbrella, you will fall off!! Good.

You want to know how my morning at the psychiatrist's went, don't you? Well, maybe tomorrow. If i think about what happened today i will start to get very very mad and upset again which i don't want to do but i am now so i think i will just stop.

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