Friday, October 1, 2010

whatever the date is, what is this

Muscles hurt so bad again :/
i was looking forward to my week off dancing, haha. Damn earthquake.
Intense training starts in three days and lasts until Regionals, what a joke.

Just did my Friday Furies so don't have much more to say, really.

Things to do:

  1. practise.
  2. study.
  3. music internal.
  4. english internal - static image.
  5. english internal - monologue.
  6. star chart.
  7. throw things out.
  8. fix stereo.
  9. forget to breathe.
  10. stretch.
Today i went to the Warehouse and printed photos for 10c each, which was like wowww !cheap! and exciting. This was after three hours of morning practise ["i have no personality in the morning"] AKA 

wait, i have to stop because rawrrrr

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