Tuesday, October 12, 2010


i had a rather hectic last week with lots of stress. i had sufficient time to blog, i guess, but i was in a terrible mood the whole week and i did not care to talk about it.

A week in review:

The Saturday Before Last: my sister came up. She stayed in our house and cried the whole night but we will not talk about Saturday.

Sunday: Woke up with a sore throat. Shit, i thought. This is not the time to be getting sick. Ignored it.

Monday: Throat got worse. Kept ignoring it. Went for a walk. Went to dancing.

Tuesday: Throat got worse. Had a migraine the whole day. Everything hurt. Ignored. Went for a walk. Went to dancing.

Wednesday: Kept ignoring everything. Went to dancing. Cleaned out closet. Cried.

Thursday: Stayed in bed for a while. Went to dancing.

Friday: Final dress rehearsal before regionals. Which also meant photo time. Which meant many, many tedious hours of changing costumes, rehearsing, wanting to go get a drink, but having to pose and smile for the duration it takes to get a semi decent photo. Then try a different arrangement, and another. i left at 9.30 to be there for 10.30 start. Between my dances laid in the upstairs studio/temporary dressing room and closed my eyes. Wanted to throw up. Got told to go outside and sit on the balcony in the fresh air. Was cold out there. Got given food out there. Got given water out there. Got given pills out there. Cried out there. Managed to make it to the final dance. Helped pack up. Left just after 9. Went home and my fucking grandparents were there (no, not the nice ones). Put on my semi-happy face (again) and managed to choke out some words before Dad let me leave because i was coughing all over everyone.

Saturday: Regionals. Foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, glue, eyelashes, blusher, bronzer, lipstick. Hair in high bun. Gel. Hairspray. Hairspray. Hairspray. Danced. Went home. Panicked about music internal(s) and other school related and non school related things.

Sunday: Last day of holidays. (Ha. Ha.) Regionals. Arrive at 11. Repeat Saturday. But with many many quick changes and no time to stop and breathe. i was sick already, dammit, dancing did not help. i could hardly get from the wings to the other side of the stage to start before wanting to give up. Everyone runs to the dressing rooms and there are people putting things in your hair, people helping you into costumes, tying your shoes, bottle feeding you water and go away, go away, go away, i want to go to bed. Run back to the wings. i'm not saying it was like this the whole day, though. We got breaks. It was just that crazy at the start and the end. And then we sat on stage for the day's awards presentation an Shots did not get though to Nationals. That's one of the dances. i wasn't in it, but it was a freaking cool dance. It deserved to get through. Fuck, it made me so mad. Went home. Collapsed on bed. Had to do schoolwork but was too tired to do anything. Managed to get changed, get half my eyelashes off and most of my makeup, got my hair out of its bun but left in in a ponytail because it still had three days worth of hairspray in it, see. Went to bed but didn't sleep.

Monday: Couldn't go to school. Didn't do to school. Too tired. Too sick. Somehow my parents let me stay there.

Hey, at least i look "pretty" in stage makeup. Bahahahaha.


  1. Pei pa koa is pretty decent cough medicine (from herbal as I remembered), great non alcoholic medicine, some western cough medicine are more effective, but this is non drowsy.

    You can access info online @

  2. i'm much better now, but thanks. i'll keep that in mind for next time.
