Wednesday, September 22, 2010

stretching again, oh goodness.

i just started typing a post about how stupid of me it was to stop stretching even if i was injured, but then told myself it was getting rantish and decided to put it in Friday Furies instead. So i'm just going to say my point of the thing here:

new rules, new routines.
Given, i haven't actually established the new rules yet, however i am positive that this will come into it at some point. 

New nightly stretches finally! Yayyy! Starting small again (:
> Warm up the legzz.
> Pre splits stretches.
> Right + left splits if i so desire.
> Penchees against a wall if i so desire.
> If i do not desire the above then alternative stretches.
> 100 sit ups in 5 x 20
> 200 spiders in 4 x 50
> Centre splits against a wall for fiveee minutes. 
Screw arm exercises and squeezies, i don't have that much time.

Hopefully swimming once a week
Hopefully skipping again! Yayayayay
Hopefully eating less junk food, ugh, and proper three times a day meals, ahahahaha yea right.

Fuck yea, dancers are cool kids who know how to rock their nights. 


  1. Awww. you make me feel so unfit. But i had a glass of milk today!!! Mmmm not.
    Well as long as all that is going to stop you hurting evvvveeerryyyyywhhherrrre then its ok.

  2. You're probably more fit than me, silly. You did outward bound (:

    i'm just.. more flexible maybe.

    i don't like milk. Don't drink milk! Bad milk!
    It's not going to stop me hurting everywhere, it'll just make me.. i don't know. Hurt everywhere in a good way.

  3. that does not make any sense. hurting= HURTING. is the same.

  4. i KNOW hurting = hurting but some is GOOD and some is BAD. i would explain but i don't think you would like my explanation.. All i'm saying is stretching for flexibility is good because it makes you more flexible. In theory.

