Saturday, August 21, 2010


After the decline of reactivity and motivation from the forecourt, [in a nutshell: she lost CJ so now it's just her rocking this boat] she decided to restart one of her old blogs. Reading through it, she laughed at the old words as she hit the delete button.
she thought.
-This will not go like how it used to.
And she decided that this time she would write only of truths and loves.

She would write when she could, write of memories and muses, but if that hurt too much, she decided, she would just post a picture and rest her head.So breathe in and open your windows, today is almost a new day, and soon, she thinks, soon is the time to start again. [Day seventy nine, she's getting closer now.]

[She speaks in third person to forget that she's me.]

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